Auction Details

Christensen's Auction

Forest Lawn Farm LLC

This auction will consist of tools from the Worden’s farm shop as well as contents of the sheds and other barns. This is a very partial listing.

 Saturday, March 15    10:00 A.M.
Located from the Northeast end of Wausau, WI: 5 miles East on Hwy 52 to Forest Lawn Rd., then 1/2 mile North on Forest Lawn Rd. to farm.

Note: This auction will consist of tools from the Worden’s farm shop as well as contents of the sheds and other barns. This is a very partial listing. This is a live in person bidding auction only.

Outdoor & Special Items: JD TX 2WD gator w/trip bucket bed, diff. lock & 2,852 hrs.; JD TS gas gator w/trip bucket bed & 3,377 hrs.; JD Z950M Kawasaki gas zero turn lawn mower w/rollover protection and 60” deck, 624 hrs. (Ser. #ITC950MCCHT051762); (2) Schossow 19’ feed bunk; Schossow 12’ feed bunk; Bush Hog 5’ 3 pt. rotary mower; Husqvarna CRT900 rear tine roto-tiller; Ex-Cell 2200 PSI gas pressure washer; 3 pt. post hole digger; 7’ 3 pt. back blade; 3,000 gal. poly molasses tank; 11’x3 ½’ wooden semi loading cattle chute,
Tools: MagnaForce 60 gal. upright air comp., 16 sp. drill press w/stand; acetylene arc welding set w/cart; floor jack; DeWaldt batt. & elec. cut off saws; Milw. ½” elec. drill; Forney welder; 10” table saw; Hobart arc welder; hyd. hoses; steel cable; nut & bolt bin; good asst. of hand tools (pipe wrenches, wrenches, socket sets, hammers, etc.); lots of lawn & garden items, mauls, shovels, fencers, alum. ext. ladder; step ladders; cement mixer, lg. shop lights, ext. cords,
Misc.: (4) 3 ½’ x 4’ insulated dog houses; (9) 12’ footed Prefiert cattle gates; wide assortment of steel gates (30+, various sizes); 2 Foremost headlock panels; portable steel clipping chute, 1200 gal. poly nurse tank; (2) 300 gal. poly pickup truck bed nurse tanks; 2 Loyal poly super hutches, (3) 19’ steel bunk feeders; misc. poly water tanks; 2 Pacer fert. pumps w/gas motors; calf pail hangers; pallet fork boom extension; livestock brushes; wood loading ramp approx. 18’ long; lots of steel fence posts; round bale feeder w/hay saver; (11) 36” Airstream fans; poly cattle tubs; Express gas dehorner; 11 cattle clipper (Stewart & Sunbeam); Pioneer innoculant sprayer w/25 gal. tank; other innoculant sprayers; wood show box, show tubs & water tubs; poly feed cart; barrel dolly, JD parts & hardware, dairy vac, plow parts, roller stands, misc. bunker plastic, small fanning mill, Gandy applicator, JD wall mount parts cabinet, misc. truck rims, calf blankets; Mayo cow mats, lumber, misc. tires, Rissler 20’x11” feed conveyor, fiberglass 8’ truck topper (silver); 11’x7’ metal shed door (track type); several pieces of 14’ door track, milk cans, scalding kettle, lightning rod bulbs, steel wheels; old farm & granary tools, glass blocks, wash tubs, Lowell 12 gal. crock; 4 gal. RW crock; 2 gal. RW crock; logging tong;

Forest Lawn Farms LLC Owners
236235 Forest Lawn Rd., Wausau, WI
Darrell & Cindy Worden
Tim Worden 715-571-0831
Scott Worden 715-571-0832

Terms: All purchases must be settled for on sale day, if credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day.

Christensen Sales Corp., Abbotsford, WI – Clerk & Sales Managers
(715) 223-6345 Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. #33

Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191
All purchases must be settled for on sale day, if credit is desired, contact Christensen Sales Corp. prior to sale day.
Christensen Sales Corp., Abbotsford, WI – Clerk & Sales Managers
(715) 223-6345 Registered Wisconsin Auction Co. #33
Schindler Auctions
Curtiss WI 54422