Tractors, Machinery, Tools, Household
Donald Frahm Owner
Tractors, Machinery, Tools, Household
Saturday, July 27 9:30 A.M. Lunch by Our Maker’s Acres
Located from the Hwy 29 overpass on the West side of Abbotsford, WI: 2 1/2 miles North on HiLine Ave. OR from Dorchester, WI: 1 1/2 miles South on S. 4th St./HiLine Ave.
Machinery & Misc.: 2009 JD 2305 FWD diesel compact tractor w/200cx loader, soft cab, 60” mower deck, 54” front mount snowblower & 800 hrs. (LV2305H427315); Oliver 55 forklift w/JD gas motor; Ford 9N gas utility tractor w/step up trans.; Oliver 77 gas tractor w/wide front; MF 40 gas utility tractor w/hyd. loader; MF 202 Bull gas tractor w/hyd. loader; Oliver 1655 tractor w/1800 diesel motor (needs head work); Belarus 400A diesel tractor w/hyd. loader; Schramm pneumatractor S250 w/gas motor & 2 trans. (airport tractor); AC WD tractor w/wide front (not running); JD 440 gas dozer w/loader (not running); AC B tractor w/wide front (salvage); JD 10’ S.D. grain drill; Durham 10’ cultipacker; NH 273 baler w/thrower; JD #5 7’ sickle mower; JD 7’ back blade; Ford 2 row 3 pt. cultivator; NH 36 flail chopper; House 6’ 3 pt. back blade; MF 4 semi-mount plow; 5 wheel hay rake; flat hay rack w/gear; light running gear; misc. tractor tires & duals; 3 pt. fast hitch; misc. drag pieces, misc. older loader buckets; 2 Farmall wide fronts; Farmall fenders; tractor chains; wheel weights; misc. scrap machinery; lots of small machinery parts; 10’ x 50’ trailer frame; 8’ x 42’ trailer frame; 2 mobile homes for scrap; misc. scrap iron
Special & Outdoor Items: 5’9”x9’9” trailer w/hyd. dump & 3’ sides; JD F525 zero turn riding lawn mower; Rupp dune buggy w/Honda gas motor; 7’x6’ deer hunting shack on transport; Honda 50 cc street motorcycle; Dong Fong 3 wheel 50 cc cycle; (2) 10’x20’ canvas buildings; 5’x5’ alum. loading ramp; Paulson loader; 22’ gooseneck hitch tandem camper (salvage); 5th wheel/gooseneck hitch; small utility trailer; gas chipper/shredder; misc. older loaders; 12’ truck flat bed; push blade; pull type car carrier; alum. doors; alum. soffit, several; B&S gas motors; bike;; oil burning stove; misc. oil tanks; propane heater; lawn roller; Agri-Fab lawn sweeper; old Evinrude & Hiawatha boat motors; 3 pt. arms; lawn bench, gas grill, poly patio box, Coleman lantern; live traps, various hitches, load binders; fishing poles;
20 + Firearms & Access. Including:
1. Remington Wingmaster 870 20 gau. pump shotgun 2 ¾” (T888851X)
2. Remington Wingmaster 870 12 gua. Pump full choke (443149V)
3. Remington Wingmaster 870 12 gau. pump shotgun (516812V)
4. Winchester 100 308 Win auto rifle (18307)
5. Bushmaster .223 cal./5.56 mm auto Mod. XM15-E2S (L192325)
6. Winchester 490 .22 LR only (J020908 – ejector needs repair, has parts)
7. Remington Gamemaster Mod. 760 30-06 Springfield (#94500)
8. Gamo-Bone collector .177 pellet gun w/scope
9. Mossberg 20 gau. pump shotgun (P139224)
10. Marlin 925m .22 Win Mag w/Redfield scope (93696863)
11.Game Varmit .177 pellet gun w/scope
12. Ruger Mod. 100-22 carbine .22 cal. LR w/scope (234-16473)
13. Remington Mod. 7600 .243 cal. (8350757)
14. Winchester Mod. 490 .22 cal. LR (J030971)
15. Marlin .22 cal. LR Mod. 60 w/Simmons scope (95428595)
16. V-350 slide action BB air rifle
17. Springfield JP Stevens .20 gau. single shot shotgun
18. parts air rifle
19. Smith & Wesson 38 Special lemon squeezer (203253)
20. Rugar Super RedHawk .44 Mag. Revolver w/Tasco scope & holster (55243588)
21. Highpoint Mod. JMP 45 ACP (X473964)
22. Sport Arms 9 mm pistol
lg. asst of ammo., scopes, ammo tumbler; some Pacific reloading equip.; gun holsters; Maverick gun safe (holds 40)
Tools: Craftsman joiner/planer; 5 sp. bench top drill press; new 3,000 lb. winch; Milw. grinder; bench grinder; Milw. cordless sawzall/saw/drill combo; new chainsaw sharpener; Shop Smith tool; older Twentieth Century arc welder; Campbell port. air comp.; good asst. of power tools, Sears port. air comp.; LP flamer; acetylene gas welder; wood shaper; lots of misc. old tools; lots of misc. hand tools, vices, lg. wrenches; socket sets, vice grips, pliers, welding rod, oils & lubes; air nail guns; gas cans;
Household: Whirlpool washing machine; Whirlpool elec. dryer; Kitchen Aid refrigerator/freezer; Frigidaire 13 cu’ refrigerator/freezer; Hotpoint refrigerator/freezer; Whirlpool glass top range; 9 place gun cabinet; full size beds; chest of drawers; entertainment center; hide-a-bed; Singer sewing machine w/cabinet; older Singer comm.. sewing machine; roll top desk; Hoover wind tunnel vacuum, Lowrey elec. organ; Vizio 50” TV; Toshiba 50” TV; oak dining room table w/leaf & 6 chairs; couch; end tables, misc. tables & chairs, twin hide-a-bed; upholstered chairs; small elec. appliances, Seal-a-meal; cookware, pots & pans, dishes; lots of canning jars; cookbooks, silverware; towels, linens, lamps; drying rack; kid’s books; VCR’s; 8 track tape players; misc. speakers; harmonicas; trumpet; records, cassettes;
Antiques & Collectibles: asst. of farm toys (tractors, Ford, JD, Farmall, etc.); typewriter; floor lamp; misc. Hot Wheels cars; kerosene lamp; sealed lid jars; cast iron fry pans & cookware; trunk; asst. of beer glasses; beer taps; lots of misc. smalls; asst. of machinery manuals; nail keg; elk horns; hunting tags; NCR cash register; sausage stuffer; misc. old CB’s; Coins: Olympic 1983 & 1984 silver dollars; Peace dollars; asst. of Liberty, Franklin & Kennedy half dollars; 1893 Liberty quarter; other misc. coins
Donald E. Frahm – Owner
15467 HiLine Ave., Abbotsford, WI
Terms: Positive ID required. All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check.
(Credit Card accepted with a 3% service fee). No Buyers Fee
Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191
Located from the Hwy 29 overpass on the West side of Abbotsford, WI: 2 1/2 miles North on HiLine Ave. OR from Dorchester, WI: 1 1/2 miles South on S. 4th St./HiLine Ave.
Machinery & Misc.: 2009 JD 2305 FWD diesel compact tractor w/200cx loader, soft cab, 60” mower deck, 54” front mount snowblower & 800 hrs. (LV2305H427315); Oliver 55 forklift w/JD gas motor; Ford 9N gas utility tractor w/step up trans.; Oliver 77 gas tractor w/wide front; MF 40 gas utility tractor w/hyd. loader; MF 202 Bull gas tractor w/hyd. loader; Oliver 1655 tractor w/1800 diesel motor (needs head work); Belarus 400A diesel tractor w/hyd. loader; Schramm pneumatractor S250 w/gas motor & 2 trans. (airport tractor); AC WD tractor w/wide front (not running); JD 440 gas dozer w/loader (not running); AC B tractor w/wide front (salvage); JD 10’ S.D. grain drill; Durham 10’ cultipacker; NH 273 baler w/thrower; JD #5 7’ sickle mower; JD 7’ back blade; Ford 2 row 3 pt. cultivator; NH 36 flail chopper; House 6’ 3 pt. back blade; MF 4 semi-mount plow; 5 wheel hay rake; flat hay rack w/gear; light running gear; misc. tractor tires & duals; 3 pt. fast hitch; misc. drag pieces, misc. older loader buckets; 2 Farmall wide fronts; Farmall fenders; tractor chains; wheel weights; misc. scrap machinery; lots of small machinery parts; 10’ x 50’ trailer frame; 8’ x 42’ trailer frame; 2 mobile homes for scrap; misc. scrap iron
Special & Outdoor Items: 5’9”x9’9” trailer w/hyd. dump & 3’ sides; JD F525 zero turn riding lawn mower; Rupp dune buggy w/Honda gas motor; 7’x6’ deer hunting shack on transport; Honda 50 cc street motorcycle; Dong Fong 3 wheel 50 cc cycle; (2) 10’x20’ canvas buildings; 5’x5’ alum. loading ramp; Paulson loader; 22’ gooseneck hitch tandem camper (salvage); 5th wheel/gooseneck hitch; small utility trailer; gas chipper/shredder; misc. older loaders; 12’ truck flat bed; push blade; pull type car carrier; alum. doors; alum. soffit, several; B&S gas motors; bike;; oil burning stove; misc. oil tanks; propane heater; lawn roller; Agri-Fab lawn sweeper; old Evinrude & Hiawatha boat motors; 3 pt. arms; lawn bench, gas grill, poly patio box, Coleman lantern; live traps, various hitches, load binders; fishing poles;
20 + Firearms & Access. Including:
1. Remington Wingmaster 870 20 gau. pump shotgun 2 ¾” (T888851X)
2. Remington Wingmaster 870 12 gua. Pump full choke (443149V)
3. Remington Wingmaster 870 12 gau. pump shotgun (516812V)
4. Winchester 100 308 Win auto rifle (18307)
5. Bushmaster .223 cal./5.56 mm auto Mod. XM15-E2S (L192325)
6. Winchester 490 .22 LR only (J020908 – ejector needs repair, has parts)
7. Remington Gamemaster Mod. 760 30-06 Springfield (#94500)
8. Gamo-Bone collector .177 pellet gun w/scope
9. Mossberg 20 gau. pump shotgun (P139224)
10. Marlin 925m .22 Win Mag w/Redfield scope (93696863)
11.Game Varmit .177 pellet gun w/scope
12. Ruger Mod. 100-22 carbine .22 cal. LR w/scope (234-16473)
13. Remington Mod. 7600 .243 cal. (8350757)
14. Winchester Mod. 490 .22 cal. LR (J030971)
15. Marlin .22 cal. LR Mod. 60 w/Simmons scope (95428595)
16. V-350 slide action BB air rifle
17. Springfield JP Stevens .20 gau. single shot shotgun
18. parts air rifle
19. Smith & Wesson 38 Special lemon squeezer (203253)
20. Rugar Super RedHawk .44 Mag. Revolver w/Tasco scope & holster (55243588)
21. Highpoint Mod. JMP 45 ACP (X473964)
22. Sport Arms 9 mm pistol
lg. asst of ammo., scopes, ammo tumbler; some Pacific reloading equip.; gun holsters; Maverick gun safe (holds 40)
Tools: Craftsman joiner/planer; 5 sp. bench top drill press; new 3,000 lb. winch; Milw. grinder; bench grinder; Milw. cordless sawzall/saw/drill combo; new chainsaw sharpener; Shop Smith tool; older Twentieth Century arc welder; Campbell port. air comp.; good asst. of power tools, Sears port. air comp.; LP flamer; acetylene gas welder; wood shaper; lots of misc. old tools; lots of misc. hand tools, vices, lg. wrenches; socket sets, vice grips, pliers, welding rod, oils & lubes; air nail guns; gas cans;
Household: Whirlpool washing machine; Whirlpool elec. dryer; Kitchen Aid refrigerator/freezer; Frigidaire 13 cu’ refrigerator/freezer; Hotpoint refrigerator/freezer; Whirlpool glass top range; 9 place gun cabinet; full size beds; chest of drawers; entertainment center; hide-a-bed; Singer sewing machine w/cabinet; older Singer comm.. sewing machine; roll top desk; Hoover wind tunnel vacuum, Lowrey elec. organ; Vizio 50” TV; Toshiba 50” TV; oak dining room table w/leaf & 6 chairs; couch; end tables, misc. tables & chairs, twin hide-a-bed; upholstered chairs; small elec. appliances, Seal-a-meal; cookware, pots & pans, dishes; lots of canning jars; cookbooks, silverware; towels, linens, lamps; drying rack; kid’s books; VCR’s; 8 track tape players; misc. speakers; harmonicas; trumpet; records, cassettes;
Antiques & Collectibles: asst. of farm toys (tractors, Ford, JD, Farmall, etc.); typewriter; floor lamp; misc. Hot Wheels cars; kerosene lamp; sealed lid jars; cast iron fry pans & cookware; trunk; asst. of beer glasses; beer taps; lots of misc. smalls; asst. of machinery manuals; nail keg; elk horns; hunting tags; NCR cash register; sausage stuffer; misc. old CB’s; Coins: Olympic 1983 & 1984 silver dollars; Peace dollars; asst. of Liberty, Franklin & Kennedy half dollars; 1893 Liberty quarter; other misc. coins
Donald E. Frahm – Owner
15467 HiLine Ave., Abbotsford, WI
Terms: Positive ID required. All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check.
(Credit Card accepted with a 3% service fee). No Buyers Fee
Tim Schindler, Curtiss, WI – Auctioneer (715) 223-4014
Registered Wisconsin Auctioneer #191