Tractor, Trailer, Tools, Household, Misc.
Terry and Sue Schilling Owners
Tractor, Trailer, Tools, Household, Misc.
Saturday, June 29 9:30 A.M. Lunch by Our Maker’s Acres
Located from the West side of Abbotsford, WI: 1 mile West on Hwy 29 to Badger Ave., then 1/2 mile South on Badger Ave.
Note: Owners are in the process of selling their property and are relocating. This auction features a wide variety of merchandise that is in very good cond.
Trailer, Tractor & Misc.: North Shore 24’x7’ bumper hitch tandem axle flat bed trailer w/new ramps & front tool box (exc. cond); Ford 4000 industrial gas tractor w/H.D. Ford hyd. loader, quick attach mat. bucket, rear counter weight, CID quick attach pallet forks & chains; 7’ 3 pt. back blade; (4) 18” Mastercraft truck tires; misc. new trailer tires (5.30-12); 15” tire; (4) Goodyear 75R17 10” truck tires w/rims; 34”x59” alum. receiver hitch unloading ramp;
Outdoor Items: 4’ lawn aerator; Agri-Fab pull behind lawn seeder; Honda 2 cycle roto-tiller, 2 wheelbarrows; lawn cart; lawn roller; lawn seeder; wood step ladder; climbing tree stand; golf club traveling container; (23) 4’ steel fence posts; snow fence; pet carrier; lg. fish net; camping portable toilet; Wayne submersible pump; recurve bow; some ash tongue & groove boards; 2 boxes of clay targets; army cot; snowshoes; tree stand; shovels; H.D. camper hitch; tire camper bracket; post pounder; pickup truck cover; receiver hitch carry platform, misc. lawn & garden tools, hedge trimmers, B&D edger; shepherds’ hooks; approx. 4 cord of birch firewood; boat buoys; diamond plate truck tool box; new rolls of poly web; bull float w/2 handles & attachments; 10’x20’ canopy; 36” insulated steel door; machete saw; life jacks, receiver hitches, misc. lawn art; 2 stop signs; bird feeders; coolers; Martin compound bow & arrows; ground blind; wooden ladder; ladder stabilizer; S.S. pails; bat houses; foam bow targets; live trap, hunting seats misc. CB’s;
30 Firearms & access. (Sell at 12:00 Noon)
2. Winchester Mod. 1894 octagon 30WCF (#232598)
3. Winchester Mod. 94 30-30 Win., lever action (2806129)
4. Springfield Mod. 67 Series D 12 gau. pump (B403656)
5. Remington Wingmaster Mod. 870 20 gau. (807076X)
6. Mossberg Mod. 835 Ulti-mag 12 gau. pump (595381)
7. Remington Gamemaster Mod. 141 35 cal. (22086)
8. Savage Crackshot-26 22 cal.
9. Stevens 22 LR, combination octagon/round barrel
10. King Nitro double barrel 12 gau. (31076)
11. Marlin pump/hammer Mod. A 16 gau. (A10984)
12. Westpoint pump Mod. 167 20 gau.
13. Mossberg 500 AB 12 gau. (G066035)
14. Harrington & Richardson Mod. 176 10 gau. Magnum single shot (AT402090)
15. Ithaca Mod. 72 saddle gun 22 cal. WMRF (73001478)
16. Thompson Center Arms 50 cal. black powder (Z1910)
17. Springfield Mod. 53A 22 SLR w/stand ups
18. Mossberg 945A tube feed bolt 22 SL/LR
19. Maastricht 11.3 mm Dutch Beaumont 1877 H522 499P bolt (DX marking)
20. Japanese 7.7 w/strap rings (91169)
21. Carcano 6.5 1929 (Bolt 7840) (#D1336)
22. Wards Westernfield Mod. 36B 22 SL/LR
23. British 5.4 MK1303 (98C7997)
24. Buffalo Scout single action revolver Mod. TA76 22 cal. LR w/22 mag cyl. (B40020) NIB
25. Highpoint Firearms JHP 45ACP 45 cal. w/extra clip & box (X4102403)
27. RG-Ind. Mod. 31 – 38 Special cal. revolver w/holster
28. Fie Titan (made in Italy) 25 auto. (D707973)
29. Rugar 22 cal. LR target gun 22/45 w/extra clip & hard side case (225-43229)
30. Iver Johnson target Mod. 55 22 cal. revolver (H29963)
31. Beretta Mod. 950-BS 22 short (BER92391T)
32. High Standard double action 22 nine shot revolver w/Elkhorn grips
asst. of ammun. including 25 cal.; 16 gau.; 28 gau. 270 cal.; 17 cal.; 8 mm; 38 cal.; 223; etc.; Stack-On 8 gun heavy gauge steel cabinet; 2 sets of elk knives; Redfield scope; spotlight; holsters; various sights; gun cleaning misc.; pool cue stick holders; 20” sword;
Tools & Misc.: Delta 2400 psi gas pressure washer; w/Honda motor; Delta bench sander; Delta scroll saw; Pro-Tech wood chop saw; Performax 3 ¼” planer; U.S. General 11 drawers rollaway tool cabinet; Daytona 2 tn. cross beam lift; Tool Shp bench top drill press; Sportsman 3250 watt gas generator; handyman jack; step ladder, 21 gal. port. air comp.; Auto Arc 130 115 volt wire feed welder w/cart; 2,000 lb. winch; shop vac, wood work bench; tank heater; wood pipe clamps; misc. plastic trash barrels; gas cans; safety cones; axes; 2 Maxim hyd. cylinders; cement tools; roller stand, creeper, misc. drill bits, oils & lubes, hand tools, chainsaw sharpener, misc. elec. tools, air hose, reciprocating saw, chain hoist, router, B&D router, biscuit cutter, tool belts, welding helmets, misc. hardware, castors, door hardware, 29 pcs of Ash & 19 pcs. Pine lumber (1x10 – 1x3’s); 100 gal. LP tank;
Antiques & Collectibles: large old school bell from Clovernook school; (2) 2 man saws; scythe; cast iron pans; Crystal coffee grinder; 2 weathervanes; misc. watches; 2 wash boards; 2 pool lights; Miller Lite guitar, Poker sign, bull horn; Harley sign; Dr. lighted sign, Hamm’s lighted sign (lights but does not scroll); Pabst sign; High Life light; Miller light, elk sign; Budweiser sign; record albums; cap guns; model cars; misc. metal toys & cars; brass bells; 2 corner post cast iron horses
Household: Maytag side by side refrigerator/freezer w/in-door water/ice; queen size bed w/headboard; dresser w/mirror; oak dining room table w/6 chairs; 6 pc. wicker chair set; dehumidifier, humidifier, Singer sewing machine, sewing misc., small cabinet; DVD player; complete set of Pfaltzgraff dishes (1998); laundry cabinet; brass floor lamp; table lamps, end tables; glass end tables & coffee table; TV trays; metal wine rack artificial Christmas trees, Christmas deco.; wall pictures & décor.; books, small elec. appliances; misc. kitchen items, S.S. stock pots; toys, men’s & women’s Harley Davidson leather jackets & chaps; Gun Digest books; house plants
Terry & Sue Schilling Owners 715-965-1946
N14309 Badger Ave., Abbotsford, WI
Terms: Positive ID required. All purchases must be settled for on sale day, cash or check.
(credit card accepted with a 3% service fee). No Buyers Fee